
Here are provided the minimal commands you have to run in order to run the inference of CosyPose on the barbecue-sauce example. You need to set up the environment variable $HAPPYPOSE_DATA_DIR as explained in the README.

1. Download pre-trained pose estimation models

#hope dataset detector
python -m --cosypose_models \
            detector-bop-hope-pbr--15246 \
            coarse-bop-hope-pbr--225203 \

2. Download the example data

python -m --examples barbecue-sauce

3. Run the script

The example contains default outputs for detection and pose prediction

python -m happypose.pose_estimators.cosypose.cosypose.scripts.run_inference_on_example barbecue-sauce --run-inference --run-detections --vis-detections --vis-poses

4. Results

The results are stored in the visualization folder created in the example directory.

Inference results